Dear Patient,
We are writing you a note to let you know about our future plans. At this time, we expect to retire from Ingram Family Practice at the end of December 2024. We have been working extremely hard to recruit a new physician to take our place, but at this time do not have a confirmed replacement. We will communicate our confirmed departure date and any information about a successor with as much notice as possible in the coming months. It is only 8 1/2 months from now when our final date is approaching, and we wanted to let you know what is happening so that if there is anything you can do for yourself to prepare for this, you have some time to do so.
If you would like to get your name on a list for a new Family Physician or Nurse Practitioner, this is the link to access that process: or call 811. Please let us know if you need assistance in registering, we can have our clinic social worker contact you.
Due to a national shortage of physicians providing longitudinal care we know that a doctor is difficult to access in British Columbia at this time but there are programs in place and some upcoming changes by the Provincial Government that will hopefully help.
We thank you for trusting us with your care for these past years. We have truly appreciated the privilege of being your family doctors and wish you and your family the best of health in the future.
Yours truly,
Rhoda Z. Pullan, MD
Diane Thomson, MD